Future Plans

Renée and her former volunteering group in Tel Aviv, 2020

After she graduates, Renée is planning to take a gap year and return to Israel. In Israel, she has a few different options, such as getting a job, traveling around Europe with friends, or joining the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). She thinks her most likely option is to do a year of volunteering in Israel. She explains, "There are a lot of programs to volunteer or to travel only in Israel. A lot of people move from the US to Israel to understand the country better. So I'm probably going to do that." 

In the future, Renée hopes to use her AP Chemistry skills and get a degree in chemistry. Then, she hopes to help areas of poverty by becoming a water chemist, which analyzes and helps maintain a healthy and clean water supply. 

Renée's location for the future is not bound by her goals and aspirations, so she could be continuing her story of travels. Her curiosity and perseverance that she has shown in recent years will aid her in her next chapters of life.