
Brief History:


In 1959 Castro successfully overthrows Batista in a Military Coup. Starts to Nationalize Businesses


The US launches the Bay of Pigs, which leads to the DGI to be even more strict on opposition to the government.


Estela and her family arrived in Tampa Florida April, 1963 after fleeing Castro's repressive government

Estela, her mom, and her two other sisters

Why They Left?

Estela's family, especially her father did not like the government since people in Cuba, at this time, did not have basic freedoms, like freedom of speech, press, and education . If someone was attacking the government they would soon have the DGI (Direcion General de Inteligencia) at their door. Estela's family were all devoted Catholics but slowly Castro and the Cuban government took that away too. When describing why they left Estela said, “We left Cuba cause we had to, it was either that or my father would get killed because he was very against the revolution.” They finally decided to move to the US originally planning to move to Tampa, Florida.

Cubans leaving for America in the 60s


Finally, Estela and her family packed up their whole lives. They left their family and friends not knowing if they would ever come back. Estela's whole family spent all their money in order to buy plane tickets to the US. Right before they were about to leave, the government stopped her father. It was because he sold their car instead of giving it to the government. At this point, people could disappear and being taken away by government over matters like these. Estela described his arrival on the plane, when she said, “And then for some miracle, he shows up on the plane.” They were finally off to the US.