
After the potato famine ended in 1845, in the 1920s the immigration rate for Ireland was at an all time low.  

Galway -> Liverpool

Lawrence was the first to leave Ireland (1922), and he was on his way to catch the Cunard Line steamship. You would purchase a ticket once you got to the Cunard Line ticket booth, and there were three options of living quarters that you could pick. The first was the cheapest, smallest living quarter which was the closest to the engines of the boat which made it very noisy. There were no windows and only space for a bed and a small bathroom. The second option was slightly more expensive and slightly bigger, with windows and more space. The last option was the most luxurious of the three, and was the most expensive. This room was the biggest, and came with a balcony outside the room to enjoy the scenery and air of the Pacific Ocean. Lawrence got the second option. This dock was in Liverpool, United Kingdom, and there were various destinations all around the globe that you could go to from the Cunard Line. 4 years later, in 1926, Mary Cummings made the same voyage to the Cunard lines in Liverpool. Once Mary arrived, she purchased the same ticket as Lawrence.

Pamphlet given to Lawrence Cummings when boarding his steamship

M.S Carmania- exact steamship that Lawrence took to Boston 

Liverpool -> Boston

After the 3 week long journey from Liverpool to Boston, Lawrence finally arrived in the seaport docking area of Boston. Lawrence had cousins, aunts and uncles scattered around the Boston area, so he knew Boston could be a safe bet to settle in. This was a very scary voyage for him as he knew The United States was a completely different environment with large cities and so much more. At the time Boston was an up and coming city, and Lawrence was more than excited to see this city that he would call home. 4 years later, Mary arrived in Boston and lived with relatives up until she met Lawrence. 

Galway, Ireland to Liverpool, United Kingdom

Liverpool, England to Boston, Massachusetts