Before Emigration

The Makauskis Family

Jonas (1885-1969)

Leading an amazing life, leaving it behind, and starting from scratch is unimaginable. Jonas did it because of his deep love for Lithuania and his desire to see it remain the country he loved. Staying strong for his family, he proved it is possible to be a great person under great stress.

Stefanija (1900-1984)

Stefanija had an amazing life in Lithuania--a practiced actress in Kaunas, she enjoyed time with troupes and friends most days. When that no longer allowed itself as a reality, she had to learn an entirely new way of living in the United States and remained a loving and unresentful woman.

Ilona (1939-2016)

Just 4 years old when the family moved from Lithuania to the States, Ilona is a perfect example of a foreign-born American child. She balanced home and school life in an unfamiliar culture full of adaptation. Experiencing bullying, but nonetheless finding friends and love shows her strength and positivity.

A Striking Abode

The Makauskis home, an indicator of their high economic status, sheds a light into Lithuania's architectural advancements at the time.

Stefanija valued her home greatly, especially "when hosting notable guests for regular gatherings".


Working at a desk. 1943.


In Lithuania, Pharmacists were seen as vital members of the medical system--equal to doctors, nurses, and surgeons. Jonas Makauskis made a name for himself with his work, both medicinally and with his leadership work. He ran his own company and climbed rank in national and international pharmaceutical boards, even earning the title of Head of the Pharmaceutical Directorate of the Board of Health.

"He was honest and hardworking, always making sure to put the patient [or customer] first. [Stefanija] always remembered him working late to satisfy an order or speak with someone in need."

Jonas worked in pharmacy from his graduation from university until he left the country. Although he had the documentation and letters of recommendation to support his continued practice, he ran into trouble in the United States finding a job in his field.

International Registration of his pharmaceutical qualifications

Conference of Lithuanian-Latvian Pharmacists' Union, Kaunus. October 18, 1936.

Quick Facts

  • 1918–1920: Head of the Pharmaceutical Board of the Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania.

  • 1918: established the Central State Medicines Warehouse in Kaunas, established the Laboratory of Chemical Pharmacy, which was later connected to Vytautas Magnus University.

  • 1924–1940: Head of Gulbiai's own pharmacy in Kaunas, named "White Swan" Pharmaceuticals.

  • August - November 1940: pharmacy administrator.

  • 1942–1944: Head of the Pharmaceutical Directorate of the Board of Health.


Watermark on stationery with name, title, and contact information.

Conference of Lithuanian-Latvian Pharmacists' Union, Kaunus. October 18, 1936.

Conference of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Pharmacists, Kaunas. 1939.

Political/Humanitarian Focuses

  • 1912: began membership as Activist of the Lithuanian Democratic Party.

  • 1918–1922: Lithuanian Socialist People's Party.

  • 1922–1924: Member of the Committee of the Center of the Lithuanian Peasants' and People's Union.

  • May 15 1920 - November 13 1922: Representative of the Constituent Seimas, elected in Constituency II (Kaunas).

    • Part of the Lithuanian Socialist People's Party, merging with the Lithuanian Peasants' Union.

  • November 13 1922- March 13 1923: Representative of the First Seimas.

  • January 23 1923 - June 5 1923: Second Secretary of the Presidium of the First Seimas, Faction of the Lithuanian Socialist People's Democratic Party.

  • note: The Seimas mentioned is the legislative branch of government in Lithuania

Representatives of Lithuanian Socialist People's Party. 1922.

Dedicated members of Lithuanian Democratic Party, c. 1915.

The First Seimas. Elected representatives pictured. June 10 1923.

Connections to the Prime Minister

[Left] Front: Kazys Grinius, Prime Minister 1920-1922

[Right] Back: message inscribed to Jonas. Translated: To J. Makauskis my longtime trusted friend. A small memento of appreciation and gratitude. 1.X.46. Dr. K. Grinius.

Connected to so many political figures, it makes sense that Jonas Makauskis had to flee Lithuania. Grinius was both a colleague and friend who valued Jonas throughout his life, even after the invasion.

In 1919, Jonas Makauskis founded the Lithuanian Red Cross.

Lottery/Auction Fundraiser, c. 1931.

Fundraisers like auctions helped generate awareness for the Lithuanian Red Cross because it was such a young organization. Any amount of money and new members helped the cause.

Lithuanian Red Cross local meeting, Kaunas. 1921.

Frequent meetings discussed what needed to be advocated for, new developments in the issues they focused on, and generated strategies to build support in a given community.