
Ellis Island

Arriving at Ellis Island came with a rollercoaster of emotions. A hurricane of "excitement, anticipation, and a wall of anxiety" met the Makauskis family as their eyes set on the marvelous Statue of Liberty in New York City.

Jonas's baggage and identification form to claim any checked luggage and to gain initial admittance to the immigration processes.


Jonas's, Stefanija's, and Ilona's address report cards upon entrance to the United States through Ellis Island.

As stated, "this card is not a registration receipt card", but rather a documentation of their existence in the United States. As they moved towards naturalization, their registration numbers were how the U.S. Government processed everything. Addresses were recorded, also, for the States to track "aliens" and observe for any suspicious activity. This continued until naturalization.

Address Report Cards

Finding a Home...

Roslindale, MA 1951

After Ellis Island processing, Makauskis and family moved to Roslindale where he was employed as a factory worker for Boston Instrument MFG. Co., Inc. The business manufactured syringes for dental, surgical, and veterinary purposes. Staying in Massachusetts from around December 1951-March 1951, the employment was brief. The Makauskis' moved to New York a few months into the new year.

Brooklyn, NY 1952-1966

Brooklyn is where Jonas, Stefanija, and Ilona settled down for a large portion of their lives. Ilona attended school where, although faced with a language barrier, overcame bullying to find a group of friends. Jonas worked as a janitor in an elementary school close to their home. The family, especially Jonas, remained active with Lithuanian culture groups, which helped them reconnect with their former country. Their address within Brooklyn changed about 3 times, but they remained in the city until 1967.

Somerset, NJ 1967-1984

Following Ilona's marriage in 1962, the family moved to New Jersey. New Jersey had a similar Lithuanian background to Brooklyn, so political and social groups were not difficult to come by. The Makauskis family settled in to the suburbs where Jonas and Stefanija lived the rest of their lives.