Jierui Shen

American Dream

As a kid, Jierui was surrounded by family members that studied and worked abroad. His cousins would bring him gifts from abroad and because at that time China was not that developed yet, when someone bought him gifts, he always thought they were super advanced. One time he received a hand held video game, he was really amazed and curious about what other amazing things were out there! After 40 years, he only ever thought about exploring and studying in America but he never imagined that he would stay and build a family here. 

Bilingual Work

After Jierui earned his Master's degree in Lehigh University, he got a job. He worked as an engineer for a few years but he wanted more. He wanted change. "At that time, I wanted to do something and have a business of my own. I didn't want to work for someone." - Jierui Shen

He discovered that being bilingual is an advantage of his. He would be able to help people who speak both English and Chinese. Currently, he is a Personal Financial Advisor, helping people with their financial issues in both the American and Chinese Communities.