Life in America

Life in America

While they first arrived in the US to New York, they quickly made their way to Illinois. In Illinois, they had other family members that were already in the U.S. and had made a new life for themselves farming and carving out a new life for themselves. The Burkitts stayed for only a short time, but decided to continue west ultimately ending up and setting down roots in Centralia, Washington.


They were lucky to have some family along the way to make their entry to the States a little bit smoother than others, but even family had to move them along as there were always many mouths to feed. While John was educated and a skilled laborer, Jane was not and she struggled to find work. When they settled in Washington, they began a family going on to have three daughters and a son: Sarah Jane, Marietta, Florence and George Everett. Having to finance for four children with one salary was especially difficult for them. 

Cambridgeshire, England

Cambridgeshire, England is a county within the United Kingdom where both Jane and John were born and grew up.

Here, John did not go to school due to lack of money and resources, so he then found work as a tradesman. Working conditions were tough, and with little pay, there were few upsides to this kind of job. On the other hand, Jane never had to worry about these issues as she along with many other women were deemed unskilled and not worthy of having a job. She was left to cook, clean, and take care of anyone living in the household.

Peoria, Illinois

After arriving at Ellis Island, the Burkitt's were eager to begin their new lives by starting a family. They quickly found themselves in Peoria, Illinois, one of the states most popular towns at the time, following Chicago and Quincy, IL. 

In Illinois, Jane and John had their first child sometime in 1874,  naming her Florence Burkitt after Jane's grandmother, whose last name was Florence. Florence then became a symbol of their "American Dream" as they had finally done what they had always hoped to do; live in the United States and begin a family.

Centralia, Washington

After settling in Illinois, Jane birthed three daughters and a son in Centralia, Washington, a roughly 30 hour car ride between the two. 

Once they settled in Centralia, they continued to expand their family going on to have three daughters and a son; Florence, Sarah Jane, Marietta, and George Burkitt.

Massachusetts, United States

After spreading their family across the country and their kids soon grew up and starting lives of their own, Jane and John moved across the country to Massachusetts. Them along with other English, Irish, and Italian immigrants allowed the area to become more diversified both culturally and socially. 

Here they settled for "retirement" and grew out of their old and stereotypical roles, and Jane searched for a job. She was able to find a teaching job in Concord, whereas John was able to maintain his skills and continued to work in trades until they grew old.