
Websites to use at home for extra practice:

(click on the link to take you to the website)

Rit Range 211-220

RIT Range 221-230

RIT Range 231-240

RIT Range 241-250

Brain Pop (in classlink, or use username: ppe22 and password: pop1

Read, Read, Read: To find the Lexile number for a book or look for books within a Lexile range, click the link below. The students will find out their Lexile Range after they take the MAP test.

Scholastic Book Wizard can be used to look up the guided reading level. 4th grade reading levels by quarter are: Quarter 1 P, Quarter 2 Q , Quarter 3 R, and Quarter 4 S.

Book Wizard


Students can access classlink through the Pleasant Prairie homepage. Make sure the computer is switced to their google account. Students will need their school email address and password to login in to your computer at home. Once in classlink, students should be able to access all programs such as edutyping, Brainpop , Prodigy, etc. If you can't get into classlink at home, Brainpop can be used with the username: ppe22 and password:pop1

Link to free education sites

Use this link to access free educational sites that can be used at home.