Welcome to FASD Transportation!  

We are experiencing a serious shortage of bus drivers.  Please consider becoming a driver - if you are interested in becoming a driver, please call 814-432-2121 x 1101 or email romanowski@fasd.k12.pa.us.  

Here you can find resources related to the district's transportation program.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the transportation department via phone at 814-432-2121, ext. 1101 or email romanowski@fasd.k12.pa.us

Please read the notices/news page for 23-24 school year information!

Check out this video below from Massachusetts.  The same rules apply in PA, however the fine is steeper and you will lose your license for 60 days!  When you see the YELLOWS or the REDS--PLEASE STOP!  A PDF of the school bus stopping law is below the video. 
