Scholastic Development

PRE UNIVERSITY SEMINAR (31 May - 3 Jun 2022) @ NJC

Before Pre U Seminar, we had to have online calls as a group  to complete pre-deliverable planning for our task. We also met our group's Resource Person, Mr Kelvin Ang (Director, Conservation Management at Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore) and our Person of Focus, Ms Stella Wee. 

My group had the chance to go on an excursion to the Fullerton Hotel, where we learnt much about the processes and work involved in the hotel and service industry.

The Guest of Honour, Mr Chan Chun Sing (Minister for Education) gave a speech at the opening ceremony centered on this year's seminar's theme of Our Singapore Story. 

We had to work on our deliverables during the rest of the time. With this year's theme being Our Singapore Story, my group chose to present a story about the significance of heritage conservation in Singapore through a comic, poster and slideshow presentation. Our group was also chosen to present to the VIP guests from MOE on the last day (presentation day) of the seminar.

It was indeed an interesting experience, being able to meet other students from many other different schools and work together with them on the project.