CareerSAdvance Reflections

Day 1 Breakout Session 1 - Dr Darren Yeo
/ Nanyang Technological University (Psychology)

Before this, I wasn't quite sure of what psychologists do, I just knew that their work had something to do with the human mind. Through Mr Yeo's sharing, I learnt that psychologists' work does also involve a lot of research, and many psychologists also go into social work (30+% of them), as well as a plethora of other sectors. It was also interesting to hear Mr Yeo's perspective, in which he shared that he studied in NIE and went into teaching originally, but then switched to psychology research because he felt that his research could impact even more people.

Day 1 Breakout Session 2 - MOH Holdings / Healthcare

During this session with the professionals from MOHH, I learnt about the scholarships that MOHH offers and the range of jobs that they encompass. Raferty Ker, a Healthcare Merit Scholar, spoke to us about how he greatly valued the scholar community who journeyed alongside him in occupational therapy, and the support that he had from them. He also mentioned that there would be less tests and exams, and more practical work with people. Ms Ivy Sim (Executive, MOHH) also explained the application process and timeline for the scholarships. As I am considering a career in the healthcare sector but am not sure of which specific role to pursue in such a broad "healthcare" category, this webinar was useful in helping me think about the pros and cons of being in different jobs in the healthcare sector.

I had heard about the semiconductor industry being in high demand as of late, and wanted to learn more about what semiconductors actually are. The webinar inspired me to go and find out more about semiconductors and their use, why they are so important. Through the Q&A section, an important point was also raised, about why the semiconductor industry is really flourishing more in Asian countries like Taiwan, China, Singapore, rather than European countries. Mr Ang mentioned that: Firstly, this is due to the relative political stability in Asian countries compared to Western countries. Secondly, Asia has a large talent pool in this industry. Thirdly, this difference is also due to our culture differences. He used the analogy that in Asian countries, when the management says "jump", companies ask "how high?" But in Western countries, when companies are told to jump, they ask "why should we jump?" first, and a lot is dependent on the labour law restrictions, which causes the process to be a lot slower. During the webinar, my friend (whose dad is an electrical engineer) explained to me about what a binary code is, and how it runs in the semiconductor. Quantum computing is also an interesting area which I might like to find out more about!