Community Service

Project Aqualium 


As I care for the environment, I signed up as a volunteer for beach clean up that is held monthly. I wanted to give back to the community so I decided that this opportunity would engage me in contributing to the world a cleaner and better place to live in. 

Through this opportunity, I learnt to not take things for granted and always be responsible for my actions. This experience not only has it allowed me to do something that I am keen in, but also gives me a sense of urgency to spread awareness in cleanliness towards the environment. 

Potong Pasir SG Clean Day


I signed up as a volunteer to clean up the community at Potong Pasir. This experience has alerted me of the lack of awareness that people have towards enviornment. I was upset upon seeing the amount of rubbish littered which ruined what the beauty of nature has provided us with. 

As I went around the community to pick up rubbish, I was able able to get to connect with the residents staying there. As they saw me collecting rubbish, they admitted to me on how they were guilty to be one of the contributors to the litters. As such, this experience taught me that a change is possible when there is a collective effort from everyone. 

Heartland Festival 2023 


In order to celebrate Singapore 58th Singapore, I decided to sign myself up as a volunteer under Team Nila. Through this experience, I was able to get closer to the community. I was tasked to help out at tennis booth whereby my role was to assist the public in the crowd management. This volunteering has indeed exposed me in term of my communication skills such that I had to be clear with my instructions in reducing any miscommunications. 

Class Service Learning 


Our class project is a collaboration with Lions Befrienders that aims to provide care for the seniors. 

I had fun engaging with the seniors as they shared with me on their stories. This experience provided me a platform in knowing the concerns from seniors and their emotions. Despite having difficulties due to language barriers as they speak their dialect, I was able to overcome by speaking bits to them.