VM Resources

What if I don't know how to create videos on my own?

  • Reach out to local universities and college students are valuable resources and are likely willing to help. An ongoing collaboration can be formed to create a video library.
  • You can recruit volunteers or interns to take charge of creating the videos while you, as the OT, can consult and direct the videos.
  • You can recruit someone who has tech experience who can compliment your role as the OT consultant to develop the VM library.

There are resources available that provide video modeling tailored toward individuals with ASD, as well as resources available to create custom video models.

  • This site provides video modeling resources for therapists, teachers and students
  • They have created an interactive video modeling interface that allows the individual to participate in the decision making in the video
    • There are different level for each video that grades the video model up and down based on the participant's ability
        • For example: In level 2 it is formatted with a video and a multiple choice question on the side (i.e. what could happen in the waitress did not correctly hear what you want?) the individual would be able to answer

  • An app created by Autism SA and University of Adelaide
  • Available for iOS
  • Cost: $9.99
  • The creators used video modeling to teach socio-communicative skills and self-protective behaviors in a group setting for individuals with ASD
    • Inspired by the success of VM in this group iModeling was created to continue the use of VM at home
  • The app makes it easy for parents/teachers/therapists to create simple video models in just a few steps
  • The app helps break a certain skill into small steps (similar to what we did in our activity analysis for each video)
  • The reviews on the app store are low, however, the application has been updated since its launch

  • A video editing software that can be used to put together a video model
  • Cost: Free (on iOS)
  • There are guides available to help with the specifics in the editing process.
    • There is a resource we found that guides the video modeling creating process for imovie
  • This software is not video modeling specific, however once the video is taken, the software can edit the clip together

  • Also a video editing software that can be used to put together a video model
  • Available on iOS and Windows
    • This is what we used (because its is compatible with iOS and windows)
  • Cost: Free (available but limited), Lifetime Unlimited $49.99