Roadmap to OT

First-year: Exploration

*Exploration of the profession of occupational therapy, including the history, philosophy, theory, and foundational concepts of the profession.

Fall 2019

Neuroanatomy and Physiology

Foundations of OT

Psychosocial Aspects of Occupation I

World Religions

Spring 2020

Human Movement Analysis

Occupations of Children and Adolescents I

Research in the Health Professions

*Psychosocial Aspects of Occupation II

OT Special Topic

Second-year: Competence

*Second year students continue to gain competence in diverse practice areas and settings, and apply previously learned concepts of occupational performance, adaptation, clinical reasoning, and environmental modification to resolve problems for clients.

Fall 2020

Occupations of Adults and Seniors I

OT Fundamentals

*Occupations of Children and Adolescents II

OT Integrative Capstone Experience I

OT Special Topic

Spring 2021

Culture and Ethics in Occupational Therapy

Assistive Technology in OT

*Occupations of Adults and Seniors II

Educational Principles and Practices in OT

OT Integrative Capstone Experience II

Third-year: Achievement

*Students complete capstone projects, which are either research or project-based and also develop a community-based program.

Fall 2021

OT Program Development

OT Integrative Capstone Experience III

Occupations of Adults & Seniors III

Professional Issues in OT

Spring 2022

1st Level II Fieldwork

2nd Level II Fieldwork

  • The courses will helped me demonstrate the student outcomes such understanding the occupation across the lifespan, appreciating the history of OT, practicing professional behaviors, applying research, and knowledgable on how to work with clients and intervention process. Each year allows me to practice on understanding the curricular themes and demonstrating them.

  • I prepare myself by studying and understanding the content. Furthermore, applying and practicing the information given to me about Occupation topics. Additionally, understanding how to evaluate and assess OT services in Fieldwork and the classroom. My goal is to pass all courses, fieldwork requirements, and understand all the curricular themes.

OT 5120 Reflection