

I am excited, but a little nervous to start this project. I am super ready to start on a new project because I am kind of tired of making dots. However, I am a little nervous to do this project because it is going to actually be for someone rather than just for me. So I hope that the kid who I am drawing is happy with their portrait.


I like how this pencil practice turned out. I wish I had a little more time to work on it and add more details, but I think it looks pretty good. I do like how drawing this picture turned out, but I am super excited to try all the other methods to see which one I will end up choosing.

Oil Pastel

I like how this little section turned out. I don't think I will want to use oil pastels my actual project, because I just don't feel like I have complete control over them. Overall, I like how this turned out, but I think I will like the other options better.

Water Color

I will definitely not be using water color as my final project, I didn't like how this turned out. I also feel like I didn't have enough control over what I was doing.

Colored Pencil

I really like how this turned out and I might use colored pencils for my final project. It is kind of hard to pick the right colors to use for this project, but I am happy with how it turned out.


I really liked using all the different supplies to work on a little section of this picture. I figured out which of these I liked and which I didn't. I decided to do oil pastels because I haven't used them before and I ended up liking how it turned out. I'm super excited to get started on this project and make it for this little boy.

Final Project

I really liked how this project turned out. It was a little bit stressful trying to get it done on time but i'm glad I finished and I hope the he will live this portrait. If I could redo this project I think I would try to make the nose look better and make the eyes look a little more realistic. But overall I love how this turned out and I think I did a good job of getting all the shadows and highlights where they were supposed to be.
