2D Art

Self Portrait Drawing

I am very glad that my self - portrait turned out the way it did. I don't really think there is anything else that I would do to make it look better, I like it just how it is.

Acrylic Painting

I think that my ice cream turned out better than I thought it would, but I think that if I had a little more time I would add a few different things. I would want to make the cone look a little bit better, and I might add the chocolate chunks in to make it look a little more like the picture.

Scratch Art

I liked this project, this was definitely my favorite so far. I am very proud of this, and don't think that I would change anything. This project turned out better than I thought it would, and I am very glad about that.

Water Color

I painted this house, because it is my grandparents and I loved going there when I was younger to play with my grandpas dog and feed the cows. I think that this turned out good, but it isn't my favorite I have done. I like everything except the trees out front of the house and the door on the house. I think that they just don't look right and they could of looked better, but over all I liked this project.

Color Pencil

This truck is my Grandpa's old truck, he recently passed away so I wanted to to color this picture. I am very proud how this turned out, I love everything about it and wouldn't change one thing. At the beginning this project was really hard, but it got easier as it went on. Overall I think this project was super fun and recommend it for upcoming 2 D art classes.