2D Art

Self Portrait

For this project, we had the opportunity to draw ourselves. It was a good project because it forced us to take a closer look at ourselves and appreciate all the tiny details that God decided to add to us to make us unique. Although this project was really tough, I'm proud of how it turned out. It's hard for me, however, being a bit of a perfectionist, to say that, because I wish parts were done better. Towards the end I was really struggling with my hair and with getting the darks dark enough, while keeping the lights light. Overall, it was a great learning experience, and fun to see how well I could draw.

Oil Painting

This was a very fun project for me and probably my favorite so far. It was fun getting to play around with how the paint would go on and getting to trust the process. At the beginning, I had a hard time with it because I wanted it to look more realistic, but then I realized it was okay for it to look more expressive, and that's when I really started to enjoy it. A little light spot in one spot and dark right next to it may look funny and unrealistic when looking up close, but taking a step back, it all looks good. Overall I'm proud of what I was able to do with the oil paints and had a lot of fun with this project.