Introduction to Studio Art

Creative Lines

I think that this turned out okay. It wasn't the best but I did spend a lot of time on it. It was a fun project to do and I'm glad that I learned all the different steps into making this project the way it is. One thing I could of done differently was when I was drawing it, I could of made the lines lighter because when tried to erase, the mark would still be there. There were a couple of other things that I could of done differently or better, but that was just one example.


This is my hand drawing of me holding a hammer. Working on this project, I loved seeing it come together slowly but at the end looking okay. At first I had no clue on how it was going to come out and come together, but now I see it and I am content with it. I wish that it would've been a little smoother, and I wish I didn't make it that dark but now I know what to do the next time.

Clay Wistle

I liked this project. Although it was difficult at times, it was very fun to do. I liked how it turned out for the most part. The only part I would change if I were to do it again would be to put more detail on the plane. I feel with more detail it would be easier to recognize that it is a plane. I loved building the wistle, even though it was difficult to make it work, but was fun to build and add on clay to make different things.

Insect Painting

The instect painting was a really fun project and I would definitely do it again. I liked that we could mess around with the colors and have a little fun with how the painting looked whether it was nice and neat or kind of messy looking. The painting part was fun although it took a couple of trys to get it how I wanted it to look. Overall, this was a great project and I had a lot of fun.

Watercolor Painting

Although watercolor painting isn't my favorite thing we did this year, I still enjoyed doing it. The reason I didn't like it is because I couldn't control the water and it was hard to stay in the lines. As I got towards the end of the painting, I got the hang of it and it made it a little easier. The only thing I would change is I would but more detail on the seahorse so made it a little bit more prominant. Overall, this was a great project and I had a lot of fun even with my trial and errors.

3D Art story

I liked this project. It was fun and something different than painting or building stuff with clay. Although I know we couldn't do anything with that stuff because we are stuck at home, it was still fun to be able to still create something for art. I liked to think back when I was younger and kind of relive the memories that I forgot about. One thing I would change is the color of the golf cart because it's the same color of the rock, but other than that it was super fun!

Clay Bowl

I really liked doing this project because it was fun to make all the different designs, and you could kind of do whatever you want with the height and things like that. If I were to change something about this project, I would have put more layers of glaze on it so that it wouldn't be as see through. I also might have changed the colors rather than the blues. The hardest part of this was when we were done with putting our design on the bowl, we had to press it down so that it was smooth and the clay would stay together after it was fired in the kiln because we couldn't press too hard or else the design would be smushed together but we also couldn't do it too lightly because then the bowl would fall apart. Overall, this was a great project and I would do it again.

Clay Jar

So unfortuantely, my jar never got fired. Besides that, this was a really fun project with thinking of fun ideas to make into a jar. I decided to make mine a Christmas tree because it was right before Christmas, but then remembered that I wouldn't be able to glaze it until after Christmas break so now that it is still brown I think I could call it a dead Christmas tree. This was a fun project and I would definitely do it again.