2D Art

Self Portrait

This portrait started off with a series of diagonal and vertical lines that formed boxes. Slowly every day I would fill in a couple of these boxes before I had a complete shape. Afterwards I had to add value using a series of pencils. I had to do a lot of back tracking because certain things weren't shaped right or shaded correctly but I think ultimately it came out pretty solid. My favorite part is probably the glasses because they have such a sharp contrast between the lights and darks. 

Pineapple Painting

For this oil painting I started by tracing a printed image of pineapple on a cutting board down onto my canvas. After that I spent a lot of my time mixing my paints to get different shades of yellow and brown to make the image interesting to look at. The hardest part was the towel in the image, which turned out decent. I had trouble making it look like there's folds in the fabric. Overall though I think this turned out way nicer than my self portrait. 

Gorilla Scratch Art

I didn't get the chance to finish this scratch art before we moved on to the next project. In hindsight it's super messy and not what I would have done given more time or a better understanding of how to use the knife.

1887 Woodcliff Ave. SE

This is a water color of my childhood home in Michigan. If I were to do this again I'd probably spend more time trying to get a flat gray for the driveway. But I'm really proud of the windows and the tree leaves. 


This colored pencil drawing is based on a 1984 Lamborghini Countach. The car's color is inspired by one of my favorite Transformers characters, Sideswipe. If I could do this again I'd probably spend time coloring a more detailed interior and adding more detail to the back wheel.