Graphic Arts

Back to School Dance Poster

We made these posters as our first project for the Back to School Dance. We learned how to make a design on Canva and how to make something that will attract people and make them want to go. I was inspired by the neon theme of the dance and I'm glad that my poster can show the theme. Our goal was to make something that would attract everyone and put good information to get them to go to the dance and I feel like it worked. I liked how my poster showed the theme of the dance, but I didn't like how the background could make it difficult to read. This piece will influence my other art in the future because I now know what will attract people and what won't. 

Throuline posters

We designed these for new throughline posters for different classes and subjects. I designed this one specifically for English, History, and Bible. We used Canva again, and our goal was to make posters of throughlines that were appealing to high schoolers. I think that we did a good job and that they will be better for the high school.  I am glad with how they turned out, and I think it really shows what subjects it is designed for. My favorite one is probably my Order Discovering one because I feel like it better organized than the Idolatry Discerning one.

I designed this poster also for English, History, and Bible.