Introduction to studio art

bug painting

this is my painting. this is my favorite one that I have ever made. when I first finished it I was excited and I was trying not to scream in excitement

Clay Jar

This is one of favorite projects that I have done in art. I really enjoyed painting it. I had fun to make it the way it is and to scoop out the insides of my jar.

clay bowl

This is my bowl. it took me a while to paint it and get it the way that I wanted it to be

square nine line project

this is my first project that I did in art. I had nine lines and I had to color and make something. what I made was a house with a first aid house on the side and a lake and a pool


this is my handrawing. this took me a long time to do and I got very frustrated at it because I didn't enjoy it. but I got it done. I had to take it home because I didn't finish it on the day that it was due. I was very happy when I finished it.

Clay Whistle

this is my whistle. It is made out of clay and its supposed to be a dog but people keep on saying its a pig so its a darker version of a pig

WaterCOlor fish

This is my watercolor of a fish. It is a triad color wheel so it is green, orange, and purple.

This project was interesting, to say the least. My favorite part had to be when I was having difficulites. The hardest part was learning how to remove an item from the picture. The activity was fine, there’s no changes that need to be added! I’m sure the final result will turn out amazing. I hope the people will have fun and appreciate all the time and effort students have put into the book.


so this is my art project that I had to do and I had to explain a story and say what it is about so mine was when me and my family went to disneyland and it started raining on us and we had to run to the car/bus in the rain.