3D Art

Personal Logo

the thing I liked best about this was that I had fun painting it and you can see where the M is at and the W is at. the thing I didn't like about it was that people thought that the top part of it like the M said it looked like a cat. The goal of the project was to make it your own personal logo and I mostly achieved it. The skill that I had learned is to get the sides taped up and for it not to fall apart

Foam Carving

Out of all of my art projects I've done including all those from last year, this one is my favorite. What I liked so much about this one is that it actually looks like what it is meant to be. what I didn't like about it is that I wasn't at school when I painted it so I had to use the paints I used at home and there wasn't much brown but I made it work. the reason I choose the banana is because I was at home looking around for something to do for the project and I saw the banana and I wanted to do it.

This is my lamp that I did in art. I didn't get to finish it all the way though. What I needed to do was get some paper and wrap it around and then be done with it. I was out of town one weekend and my cousin needed a night light and so I used that to help her out.

This is my clay dog. In art we go to chose between making a clay vase or making a clay animal and I chose the animal. The reason that I chose the animal is because last year in intro to art I did a dog whistle and it didn't turn out like a dog. So I decided to redeem the dog that I did from last year. and I did redeem it. Everyone that I sent it to said that it was a dog. I am very happy with the way it turned out.

Those are all of my cups and mugs that I did towards the end of class. The thing I wished I had more time is that I had a week to make a mug. I wanted to do it more mugs but I just didn't have enough time to do it. This was probably my favorite thing that i've done not only in 3d art but in art all together.