Maya's Portfolio

This is a drawing of my hand with a hammer, this art piece took me a long time to shade, although I like what I have accomplished, I wish I took more time shading the complete look. I am very proud of the drawing and the finished piece.

This is my first watercolor project in art, and I painted a sea turtle. In this project I wasn't very happy with the outcome, I think that through out this process of the different layers, I went to heavy and dark on the first one, and couldn't show the light spots in the paintings. Although it didn't completely turn out to how I wanted, I like how easy the watercolor flowed and all the different layers showed.

This piece shows my creativity and my personality. I like how this clay project shows different shades of colors and different textures throughout the piece. Although I do like this art piece, I did not like the finished product comepletely. I feel that I could have cleaned up the edges a bit, and took more time to smooth it out.

This project, I was very excited for, and couldn't wait to get started on. I am very proud of how this projected ended, and I learned a lot throughout out doing this piece, and the different tecniques of acrlic painting. It was really cool adding different paints together and getting the contrast of the dark and light colors. I also really love how the butterfly turned out and was a statement in this art project.

For this project, I have sculpted a blue bowl. I really like this sculpture I have made because I like the inside and all the tecnique put into it. I also really like the texture and finished look of the piece.