3d Art

Clay Box

I really enjoyed doing this clay box project and playing with the different glazes. I learned a lot of new techniques and also learned how to form the clay and use templates to cut out shapes. The hardest part about this box was the color blending, and trying to make it look different then others' by adding a contrast of colors. Overall, I learned many new techniques and grew in my clay skill and painting.

In 3d art class, I was on the pottery wheel for a week and got to create three pottery pieces and glaze them after. I really enjoyed changing up the projects and getting a chance to create something on the wheel.

Pottery wheel bowls and mug

At first the wheel was hard to control and I had to start over many times, but once I got the hang of it I started to create bowls and mugs and liked how they turned out.

Metal Mandola

This project was very new to me and something I have never seen before. I was excited to start this project and try something new, but it was extremely hard and time consuming. I am glad I did not give up on this project and I took my time on each metal piece to create more detail. I wish in this project I would have made more complex designs, but it got easier as I completed more pieces.

Foam Project

This foam project was really fun to make although it didn't turn out exactly like i wanted it to. I really liked the shape of my project; not the outcome of the painting of the project. I could have taken more time on the painting and made the white part cleaner and more striking. Overall, this project was a lot of fun and I am glad with the outcome of my project.

Coil Vase

The clay vase was really fun to make and I am glad we got another opportunity to work with clay and the coils. I liked the design of my pot, I could have spent more time on the shape of my pot and making the coils centered. The color choice as well was not what I was expecting but I like the glaze finish.

Initial Project

The Initial project was one of my favorite projects because each person got to create what makes them who they are. My Initial is very full of life and color, which describes me who is outgoing and loves to see the good things in life. I really enjoyed the paper macheing portion of this project, and I wish I was a little more careful to create more of a smooth effect. Overall, I am very happy with my work, and enjoyed making this project.