Intro to studio art

Creative lines

For this project we made a picture out 9 crazy lines. For this I made a graveyard. I liked what I did for this project. What I learned from this project was to have a creative mind.


For this project we took a picture of us holding a tool and we drew it. I liked what did for this. What i learned to do was to shade and draw neat lines.


For this project we drew a painting of a bug. I like what I did for this. I learned how to paint a bug and not just a fish.


For this project we made a clay jar and then fired it. I like that I made it a burrito. I learned how to make a jar.


For this project we made a bowl out of clay and then fired it. I think my bowl is okay just because of the crack. I learned how to make a jar


For this project I made a wistle out of clay and then fired it. My wistle was good because it had a nice noise to it. I learned how to make a wistle out of clay.

Share your story

For this share your story prject i made me surfing on a wave in hawaii. I made this out of a paper bag and some news paper. I think this was very well made. I learned how to make a story out of little things like magazines,paper bags, strwas, and paper clips.