2D Art

Self Portrait

In this self portrait I learned how to shade to make a shadow and add detail to the drawing. I also learned how to copy a picture and put it on a drawing. I feel happy with how I did on this, I am actually surprised because I thought I was going to do worse than what I did.

Food Painting

When doing this food painting I learned how to make a background with a shadow by doing different shades. I like my painting a lot. I like the frosting the most on my painting.

Animal Scratch Art

When doing this Animal Scratch Art I learned how to make a good texture for an animals hair by scratching more or less. I liked scratch Art but not as much as the painting. I like the head of my seal the most.

These next two art pieces I don't have pictures yet because I havn't been at school to get them and take pictures of.


When doing this project I learned how to make different shades of colors by adding more layers or less. I thought watercolor was ok because I had more fun on the previous projects.


When doing this project I learned how to make shades of colors by adding more pressure to the color pencil or less. I liked this project more than the watercolor but less than the previous ones before that.