3D Art

Realistic Foam Carving

For this project, we had to find an object that we liked and carve it into a block of foam. We then had to paint it to resemble the object. This was a pretty time-consuming project for me. The paining part I really enjoyed and got done for the most part in one sitting, but the carving part was difficult for me and took me a while, especially the divots in the top of the cap. I found the sandpaper to be super helpful when trying to smooth out the surfaces, and enjoyed the painting. Even though the finer details had to be done with a toothpick. In the end, though, I'm happy with how it turned out.

Foam Logo

I enjoyed this project a lot. The biggest challenge was carving the pulse symbol out in the right side of the 'H', and then having to add a layer of sticky newspaper in between the tight area. However, I really enjoyed the painting, the guitar head, and the colors.