3D Art


I did not enjoy this project at all. While making this metal mandala I quickly realized that this project was not going to be fun at all and it would take a lot of tedious work. Although the process wasn't fun, i'm pretty proud of the final product.


This project was a good way to start off the year in 3D art. When I first started this project I didn't know what the theme of my box was going to be but one day I was playing with a lump of clay and it kinda looked like Spongebob's house. And then Spongebob because the theme of the box. I think it ended up pretty good I just don't like the way that the glaze kinda looks like it melted off all the corners. Other than that its alright.


This project started off really fun but then very quickly became not very fun to do. It took me a while to decide what I wanted to make for this just like every other project in this class. The carving of the foam made me so impatient that by the time I got to the p


I think that this was my favorite project of the year. Usually I get tired of doing projects and just want to be done but I enjoyed doing this one throughout the entire process. I don't think it is my best work and could have been more symmetrical but other than that I am proud of the final project.


The experience that goes along with this project is a weird one. Due to the corona virus, this project was fully made in my own home. I think that because I was in my own house, I completed this project pretty fast and wasn't too hard to accomplish. In the end its not my favorite project but it turned out okay.