Intro to Art 

Creative Lines 

For this assignment we were given nine random lines and we had to make one scene with those lines. We used colored pencils to color and shade this project. My favorite part was the girl's dress, I loved how bright and happy the pink looked because the rest of it was pretty dark and simple colors. My least favorite part was the background with the way it went from wall to floor to counter to glass wall. I feel like I could've made that flow a little bit better. I am very happy with how this project ended up. 

Tool Drawing 

For this project we took a picture of our hand holding a tool and then had to draw it. We printed out our pictures and were given paper exactly two times the print out of our hand. We used pencils to do this entire project. I was honestly kind of scared to start this project because I thought there was literally NO WAY I could do it. Drawing my hand was the hardest part for me, I couldn't make the fingers look like the picture and like actual fingers. Once I did all the drawing I started to shade it and it started to actually look like a hand. I'm super happy with the final product, it's way better than I thought I could do when I started. 

Landscape Painting 

This was a very hard project. I do not have much experience with painting, and I did not feel ready to start this painting. The first thing I painted was the sky, and it took 2-3 tries of repainting it before I was actually happy with it. The mountains were one of my favorite parts to paint and I'm super happy with how they look. The hardest part of my painting was the reflection of the mountains on the water. This one part took me a whole week and I repainted it 4 times. The rocks were hard to get the shading and reflections right but I'm proud of how they look. Even though this painting was hard, and it started out looking pretty rough, I'm really happy with how it ended up. 

Clay Jar 

This project was like an intro to clay so that we could be familiar with the clay before we made the whistle and pot. We had an option to do a "something" jar, a jar that is clearly something or a "nothing" jar, a plain jar with a nice design. I didn't have any ideas for a something jar, so I just made a nothing jar with a wave indented into it. We also used glaze to paint the jar, and then fired the pot to make the glaze finish well. I was super happy with the color and how the glaze made the pot look shiny and clean. I really enjoyed this project. 

Clay Whistle 

This project was to make a basic whistle out of clay - that makes noise, and then turn it into something. For me the hardest part of this project was definitely making the whistle make noise. After that I was able to add the spikes and legs and create my dinosaur. Then we did the glazing and like the jar I'm really happy with how the whistle turned out. I liked how we got to be creative with the design in this project, and I loved how it ended! 

Clay Bowl 

This was the thrid and last clay project in this art class. I was super excited for it and making it was super fun. We created the design and placed it on a bowl mold, then we smoothed out the entire outside until it was completely smooth. After that we took the bowl off of the mold and cleaned out the inside. Then the bowl got fired before getting glazed and fired again. I was so excited to see what my bowl looked like after getting fired, and was so sad to see that the bowl had a crack along one whole side. This was so sad, but I still really enjoyed the project. 

Oil Pastel Insect 

For this assignment we had to pick an insect to draw and then draw it as close to the picture as we could using oil pastels. I really enjoyed drawing the butterfly, the hard part for me was the background. I used a darker colored paper for my background, and this made it very difficult to use yellow. It took many layers and blending to finally cover the paper, but I am very happy with how my drawing ended up looking. 

Underwater Watercolor 

For this project we picked an underwater animal to watercolor. We learned about the different color combinations we could do, like monochromatic, complementary, triad, and analogous. We had to pick a combination and color to paint our animal. I chose to do a blue, monochromatic, killer whale. I really enjoyed doing the watercolor. I started with the background, adding more layers and less water to make certain parts darker. The hardest part was the water at the top. My favorite part was doing the background and I love the way my final project looks. 

Ombre Print

For this print I used multiple colors on the ink tray and blended them until there was a smooth transition between each one. I was really happy with how this print turned out, it was my favorite one I made. 

Double Print 

For this print I used a navy ink on black paper. Then I let the ink dry over night. The next class period I printed light blue on top of the navy print, trying to line it up as close as possible to the first print. I was also really happy with how this one looked. 

Banana Paper Print 

There were different colors of banana paper that we were encouraged to try printing on. I mixed white and pink to make the perfect shade and I'm really happy with how this print looks. I like the texture that the banana paper gives the print.   

Name Box 

This was the last project of the year. The first thing we did was design the name label. I chose to do my name so I could use the box. Then we built the box with card bord. The last thing we did was cover the box with paper so it could have a cute design.