2D Art

Food drawing project

For this project, I painted a picture of a Cherry Pepsi can. For me, the easiest part of the project was painting the highlights of the pepsi can once I learned how to do them properly. That was probably the most fun part as well. The most difficult part of it was probably getting the shading correctly. If I could have one thing back from this project it would be the time I took drawing. I focused too much on the tiny details and that didn't help make the project better. If I had moved faster in the project I feel that it would have looked better, as the painting flowed more when I went quicker. Overall, I feel I did good on this project even with the amount of time and struggles I had at time.

Self portrait drawing

This project was very fun, but I had a lot of struggles during it. To start off with I struggled with the eyes. That was probably the hardest or one of the hardest parts of the entire drawing. Something I really enjoyed about the project was the shading. I felt like it was most fun in the neck, I enjoyed drawing that part of the drawing. Something that I found relatively easy compard to the rest of the drawing was the teeth, I was worried they'd be more of a struggle. Like the Food Painting, I realized that I was taking too much time and the project didn't flow as well with me taking so much time. I started to hurry up in the end, and I felt better with the drawing after that. Overall though, I enjoyed the project and cannot wait for the colored pencil one!

My dog Lady

Scratch art

The first project I did this semester was the scratch art. It took me a while to complete but I really enjoyed it. For me, the hardest part was the finality of the project. I had a hard time not being able to go over or fix my mistakes as a perfectionist. It was a very fun project when I got going though. It took me a while, but once I got into a groove I really enjoyed this project. It taught me that I needed to hurry up and get things done and that they will turn out fine if you try your hardest.

My house with a pink sunset

Watercolor house

The second project that I did was the architecture watercolor. This one was probably the assignment I had the hardest time with all semester and at the beginning I was really worried that it would turn out bad. But as the project kept going I started to feel better and better about how it was turning out. My favorite part of the whole project was easily adding the pink tint. It was so fun to add it into the painting as that was the whole reason I chose this project. I was also very happy with how the sky turned out. I wish it could've ended up darker but I like the look it was at the top with it gradually fading to dark.

White Porsche

colored pencil porsche

The final project in art class was the colored pencil vehicle drawing. For mine, I chose to draw a white Porsche. This project was probably my favorite of the whole semester and it was the most fun. To me, my favorite part of the whole project was the wheels. I was told that this was the hardest part of the whole drawing but in my opinion, this was the part that turned out the best. For me, the hardest part of the whole assignment was the lights of the car. I feel they turned out good but regardless. I also feel like the worst part of the whole drawing for me was the glass. Other than that though, I really enjoyed this project.