2D Art

Portrait Drawing

In this project, we took a photo of ourselves to draw later. This project took probably around 6 weeks and although it was incredibly fun, there were some harder parts to work on. For instance, I couldn't really get the left side of my face to work with the rest of it.

I'm incredibly proud of pretty much everything about this drawing otherwise, I love the shirt and my ear along with most of the messy hair that came along with it. My skin could be improved upon but overall I really enjoyed this project.

Food Painting

During the process of this painting, (which overall is a bit ironic due the fact that I don't like eggs) I learned a pit more about myself where I found my enjoyment in painting a bit more. 

I really like the eggs and the cutting board off to the side although it was a bit difficult. I enjoy the slightly stylized look of it where it has the proportions of an actual item but its all a little cartoon-y. It was fun to work on and there is nothing I really dislike about it.

Scratch Art

In this project we were told to choose an animal (mammal or bird) and scratch it into a piece of paper. This project took a few weeks and was not the best sounding but it was super fun and kind of relaxing to work on during the stress of finals. I'm not sure why I choose a peacock. I just think they're neat.

I absolutely loved do this piece. It was a lot different from what I'm used to but it was super fun and I enjoyed it a lot. I love the eye and beak and the feathers everywhere on it and there's not really anything I dislike on this. I think I did a wonderful job.

Water Color Painting

I'm so bad at water color but I had a lot of fun doing this. It is a painting of my fathers old house as a gift to him. We have a sketched our version of it in our house and so I figured I would do my own little version of it. I like the trees and the vibrancy of the medium but I would not choose to water color again.

Colored Pencil Drawing

This is a Jedi Venetor Starship that I drew for my brother. He's a big starwars nerd and this was his send off gift. I'm incredibly proud of this piece and had a lot of fun making it. Even If I kinda finished half of it in one day and the other half in a week. It was really fun and I would definitly do it again.