3D Art

Clay Plate

This is the second project that we have done this year. I had fun doing this project because it was easy and fast. If I were to do this project agian I would choose a different design and I would use a different color. I think that this project came out pretty good.

Clay Lantern 

This was the first project that we have done this year and it was super easy. I had a lot of fun doing this project and would totally do it again. If I were to do this project again I would have probably put less windows on the design. I also would have used a different color. 

Initial Project

This is the third project that we have done this year and it  is probably my least favorite project that I have done so far this year mostly because it took for every and because the paint was so hard to work with. If I were to redo this project I would make it simple. I don't think that I would ever do this project again because I did not think it was fun.

Clay Animal

This is my fourth project that I have done this year. This project was a ton fun and I would totally do it again. If I were to do it again I would still do a bear but I would make the head a lot smaller and I would also make the fur less deep because it made it a pain to paint. 

Foam Project 

This is the 5th project that I have done this year. This is probably one of the funnest projects that we have done. If I were to do this project again I wouldn't change a single thing except that I would change the color a little bit and make it smoother.

Clay Jars

This is the 6th project that I have done this year. This is the funnest project that we have done this year. If I were to do this project again I wouldn't change a single thing except that I would make the cups handle better.

Racko Pot 

This is the 7th project that I have done this year. This is the funnest project that we have done this year. If I were to do this project again I wouldn't change a single thing except that I would use less glaze.


This is the 8th project that I have done this year. This project felt like we were filling a gap in the year. This project was easy but also hard because the glue wouldn't dry. If I were to do this project again I would make a different shape.