2D Art

Self portrait pencil drawing 

This is the very first art project that I have done this year, and I am very happy with how it has come out. I was one of the most fun art project that I have every done. It is also the longest project that I have ever done. This is my favorite art project I have every done.

Food Painting

This is the second art project that I have done this year, and I am very happy with how it has come out. This is the second longest project that I have every done. If I were to do this project over again I would change the way the marshmallows look. This is one of the hardest projects I have done.

Animal Scratch Art

This is the third Art project that I have done this year. I am very happy with how this piece came out. This project took me way longer than I thought it would, this project is the longest project I have ever done. If I were to do this over again I would pick a different picture and I would spend more time on details.

Building Water Color Art 

This is the fourth art project that I have done this year. I am Not happy with how this piece turn out. This project took me way longer than it should have. This is my least favorite art project that I have done. If I were to do this project again I would spend more time practicing water coloring  because I do not understand how to water color.

Colored Pencil Drawing

This is the last project that I have done this year. I am very happy with how this piece turned out. This is my favorite project that I have done and I have had a lot of fun doing it. If I were to do it again the only thing that I would change is the car.