
Pre-reflection: In this project we will be recreating the image of an orphan from India either through pencil, colored pencil, or oil pastels. Then we get to send the artwork to the actual person and show them that someone cares about them. I am excited for this project and look forward to the video of the person seeing their portrait for the first time.

These last four weeks have been fun, especially trying 3 different techniques. Between the pencil, colored pencil, and oil pastels, I liked the pastels the best since it is something different I haven't tried before. I also feel like I can be more loose and expressive when doing this technique. I am hoping it looks more sophisticated since I will be able to spend more quality time on just this project instead of a few days.

I really enjoyed this project and liked how it was fast paced. I never got bored creating this portrait and the oil pastels got easier to use over time. It was definitely hard to make a smooth look, but overall I think it came together pretty well.  I incorporated blue patchwork in the background because the boy's favorite color is blue. I really hope he likes it when he sees it.

When this child receives their portrait I hope they feel good that someone was able to think about them and know that there are people out in the world that care for them. If I could talk to them I would want them to know that they can do anything if they set their minds to it, and that they should still follow their dreams even though right now they may struggle.