Intro to art

Creative Lines

For this project I made a picture out of 9 weird and crazy lines. So i made the lines into a spoon, a gummy bear getting eaten by ants, a fried egg, banana, Pepsi can, abnormally large carrot, leaf, and a watermelon slice on a picnic blanket. This project taught me how to use colored pencils to make great pieces of art that have good shading and shadows.

Hand holding a Tool

For this project i drew a hand holding a hand saw, i only used pencils so it was a tad bit difficult. It took a lot of time to do but it was worth it. This project taught me how to use pencils to make alot of details.

Landscape Painting

For this project i made a painting of a picture i took. I like it except for the bushes and trees. It was a fun project that taught me about painting better. The original picture i took was in Zion National Park.

Clay Jar

For this project i made a clay jar shaped like a mushroom. It was fun and i got to use clay for the first time. I put 8 layers of glaze instead of the prescribed 3. I learned about the probertys of clay and glaze.

Clay Whistle

For this project i made a whistle shaped like a rat.    (its name is frank) It was fun making the whistle until someone took my whistle and i had to use theirs.

Clay bowl

For this project I made a clay bowl out of coils of clay.I really enjoyed this project because I had great friends that helped me with it. Throughout this project I learned how to manage my time and work efficiency. I truly enjoyed this project because it was challenging yet joyful.

Oil pastel Insect

For this project i made a bee out of oil pastel. I liked learning about oil pastels, but i hate the background.

Lino Cut Bird Print

Banana Paper

Made using banana paper with black ink.


Made using newspaper with black ink.


Solid black ink on white paper.

Double Print

Used 3 colors and printed them separately.

Double colors

Used 2 mixed colors at the same time.