2D Art

Pencil Drawing - Self Portrait

For this project I used 2H, HB, 3B, and 6B pencils. This project was a lot of fun and was easier than I thought it was going to be. A struggle for me during this project was my hair; I thought it would be easier to make the hair look realistic but it was actually really hard. Overall I am very happy with how this project turned out.

Oil Painting - Vegetables

This painting was done with water mixable oil paint and I enjoyed completing this painting. I really liked how the bell pepper turned out. I ended up liking oil paint a lot more than I thought I would because freshman year I didn't enjoy painting but I had fun experimmenting with this painting. Toward the end I goto sick of painting and wished I had picked something simpler but in the end I am happy with the finished product.

Scratch Art - Cow

I love how this project turned out and it was a lot of fun to make. Toward the end of this project I got tired of scratching so it took me a long time to finish but it was worth it. This piece was submitted to the Visalia Art Show and it won the Sponsor's Choice Award because it represented the area well and was very detailed. My favorite part of this project was doing the cowlick in the middle of the cows head because I could do long strokes and it was similar to doing my hair in my self portrait.

Water Color - Del Mar 

I really enjoyed this project and it was actually easier than I thought it would be. When I chose my photo I liked it but I wasn't sure that I would be able to paint it well but I was pleasantly surprised. One thing that I really liked about this project was getting to use a wide variety of colors. My foavorite part about this painting is that you can tell that there is action. I am looking forward to finding a place to hang this painting in my room.

Colored Pencil - Mclaren F1 Car

This was my favorite project of the year. I really enjoyed colored pencils because I could be precise and the colors didn't bleed like paint but I was still able to use color, unlike my self-portrait. The colors were more vibrant in my drawing than in my reference photo which I liked because it made my project pop more. This project also went a lot faster than I thought it would because at the beginning I was stressing that I wouldn't finish in time but then I got the hang of blending and seeing the colors in my reference photo and it went really fast.