Intro to Art

Insect Painting

Through this painting I have learned a lot about painting, and about how to pay attention to detail. I have also learned a lot about how to paint with a paintbrush and how the pressure applied to the bush determines how the stokes look on the painting. Lastly, I have learned about how to paint and mix different colors to get the color that you want for your painting. 

Clay Whistle

I learned a lot through the making of my clay whistle. I made the big red bird from angry birds I learned how to put 2 pinch pots together to make the base of the whistle and then make the mouthpiece and hallow it out to get the actual whistle. 

Clay Bowl

Through making this clay bowl I have learned to make segments of clay and stack them on each other to make cool textures. I have learned how to smooth the outside good. I have also learned to glaze clay.

Clay Jar

We made clay jars is art. Through making this jar I learned how to put patterns into clay, we learned how to glaze the jar. We larned about how to hollow each half out, and we learned how to mold the clay into something cool.

Print Making

In this project, I learned about the art of printmaking. There is multiple steps, and it is not as easy as you think.  First, we found a picture then we edited and flipped it. Then, we colored our picture. Next, we carved it out. Last, we put ink on it and printed it.