2D art

Self Portrait

For this project we drew a self portrait of ourselves. It was cool to see that it was slowly starting to look like me, I saw features of myself that I didn't even notice until this project. I loved this project, shading and making different gradients, my favorite part was going the hair. The hair was super fun, I loved making the different shades and strokes of hair. I also loved making the eyebrows and eyelashes, they were simple but made such a big difference. I would totally do this project again if I had a choice.

Food painting

I loved this project a lot! It was super fun to do and fairly easy and I loved how it related to my name. The hardest part of the painting was the shiny metal part on top of the can, it was hard to get the super light spots and the darker shadows to make it more realistic. Overall, I think this painting is super cool and I love how it relates to me personally.

Scratch Art

I like this project, using a blade to get different textures and looks. It was pretty cool that we used a blade rather than a paintbrush or a pencil. The blade strokes look so realistic, it looks like actual strands of hair. The toughest part about the project was that you could not erase the blade mark after made it, it was permanent. Another struggle was that my animal was black which made it hard to get certain textures, while still giving the impression that the dog was black.

Water Color Painting

I painted a picture of the Taj Mahal, the caterory was to paint some sort of artechature, I was struggling with what to paint but I have always loved the way the Taj Mahal and I thought it would be a good challenge. It was a challenge but overall I like the way it turned out.

Colored Pencil drawing

This was one of my favorite pictures this year. I loved the colored pencil, I was able to easily showed the lights and darks of the car. The truck is also my boyfriend's that means a lot to him which made more motivated to make it awesome.