2D Art

Self Portrait

This project was definitely the most difficult for me to finish so far. I enjoyed all the shading and blending, but there were times where I felt I was never going to finish. The most difficult part of this drawing was the hair because I wasn't quite sure how to go about it. The part I enjoyed drawing the most was the nose. This project taught me a lot and I will definitely want to draw another self portrait in the future.

2D Painting

I really enjoyed working on this painting of dumplings. During the beginning of this project, I spent a lot of time painting the background and I was worried about how long it would take me to finish. Then I began to regret choosing a picture with five dumplings instead of one. I realize now that I just needed some time to get familiar with the paint and create a technique that worked for me. I wish I had set aside more time for this project because I had a lot of fun while I was finishing it. My favorite part was adding the scallions at the end.

Scratch Art

This project was definitely the most intimidating piece I've ever done. From all the detail I had to include to making sure I scratched each line with no mistake, I was a bit worried how it would come out. As I got more familiar with the material, I was able to form a technique with the knife that worked for me. I learned that the angle and pressure used with the knife is important to achieve the desired shadow and texture. The most challenging part of this piece was the mouth, especially the tongue. I wasn't sure how to create the right texture since and I ended up using a combination of dots and lines. Overall, I enjoyed this project a lot more than I anticipated and I'm happy with how it turned out.