2D art

Drawing Self Portrait 

This is the first art project I have completed sophomore year. Before we started, we all went around in a circle saying what our favorite art project was going to be this year. I thought this one, turns out, this was not one of favorites. It started out strong with the eye practice sheet that I enjoyed doing and then next with the skin. I liked doing the skin because it was very smooth but many of the pictures I take of it make the skin seem a lot more splotchy I think it is in real life, especially around the chin. My least favorite part are the teeth, no matter what I could do to make them more realistic I could never make them look right. It's also sort of embarrassing to have your face hung in front of the art room even though it doesn't look exactly like me. I would have fixed it more, but eventually I became tried of looking at it so I had to be finished with it. Overall, I'm excited for the next art project.

Scratch Art

This is the scratch dog I did. I am very proud and I didn't think I was able to produce a good looking project because the assignment seemed scary at first. It was a lot of fun and scratching made a lot of more details than what was originally in my reference photo. I don't really like dogs but this picture was too cute to do.:)

I saw this reference picture on Pinterest and it was super cute. The practice we did before starting this project was a picture of a door. I really enjoyed it and tried to make it as realistic as possible and had a lot of fun playing with the water properties of watercolor creating little waterdrops.  I liked this picture because of the fun leaves that dropped over the store or "The Ivy". This project also took a lot of concentration for the sketching phase of it. There were a ton of straight lines.  

Watercolor Project