
For this upcoming art project, I am actually extremely excited. I usually am not very comfortable sharing my art or anything that I have done with people but after watching the video on the children receiving their art in past years, I couldn't be happier to share what I will make with someone else. We are going to try several different styles of portraits and then I will choose the one that I liked the best. I think that this is a wonderful way of showing God's love to people who otherwise might not have a lot of love in their life. There are definitely some fears that come with this project because I don't want the child that I get to be disappointed with the art that I make for them. My hope is that by spending a few weeks making something for someone else, I will not only grow in my faith but also show the child a little glimpse of Christ.

1 - The pencil drawing came easiest for me because that is what I had just learned in my other art class. I enjoy using the mini blending stump and making his face all smooth and nice. This was definitely my favorite method that I tried so it is the one that I will be doing for the final project.

2 - Next is pointillism which I also enjoyed doing very much. It is a bit more time consuming and I tend to lack patience so that was a struggle but overall it was a lot of fun to try out.

3 - Acrylic paint was definitely the method that I struggled the most with. I still had a good time doing it but mixing the paint to be the right color was the most difficult part for me. I think the blending at the bottom by his jawline and neck looks pretty good but the rest is sub-par to say the very most.

4 - I also really enjoyed working with colored pencils because it was the first time that I had used them for something besides coloring pages. I definitely don't think it looks the best but I was pretty happy with it and I had a fun time using them.

5 - Watercolor was another method that I pretty much went in blindly with and the results aren't terrible. I also really enjoyed working with this paint even though it isn't my strong suit. I struggled the most with making certain places too dark or others too light and now knowing how to change it.

Finished Product

Working on this project for the past few weeks has brought me so much joy. Kashif challenged me because I was so determined to give him something that I knew he would enjoy. I absolutely love shading people so that part of this project was a lot of fun for me. I was unsure about how to do the hair well and coming up with the background idea were both frustrating aspects of this projects of overall, I enjoyed both the process and the end result. Now all that I can do is hope that Kashif receives it and can feel a little bit of love even though I'm a complete stranger.

After watching the video of the kids receiving their portraits, I couldn't be more thankful to have had this opportunity. I didn't see Kashif get his project (even though I really wanted to) but the reactions that the other children gave to seeing theirs reassured me that the weeks of work were worth every minute. Personally, I would do this project again and again if it meant that a little boy in Pakistan would beam with joy the way that the ones in the video did. I definitely would recommend doing this project again in future classes because while it is nice to keep the final result, nothing is more rewarding than seeing someone that excited over something that you made.