
As of this year, we have split our Pre-SOMA Chapters into regions. This mirrors the organization of National SOMA and will allow you to connect with other Pre-SOMA members and medical students in your area! You may read more about it below.

Pre-SOMA Regions

Region Chair & Coordinators

Meet your Region representatives for the 2023-2024 Academic Year!

Region Chair

Nirzari "Nikki" Mehta oversees all region members, chapters, Coordinators, and Pre-SOMA Liaisons. She also connects the Region Coordinators with National SOMA.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions at:

Eastern Region Coordinator (1-3)

Chethana Gallage Dona serves as the point of contact for Pre-SOMA students within Regions 1-3 and facilitates the collaboration of Pre-SOMA chapters, members, and Pre-SOMA Liaisons within their respective regions.

Office Hours: I will host regular office hours where we can discuss plans, ideas, concerns, and anything else for yourself or the Pre-SOMA chapter. This will be every first and third Thursday of the month, from 12 - 1 pm EST.
Zoom Meeting ID: 886 3208 9447, Passcode: qZc4VF

Don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns at – I'm always thrilled to assist! 

Western Region Coordinator (4-5)

Joshua Connor serves as the point of contact for Pre-SOMA students within Regions 4-5 and facilitates the collaboration of Pre-SOMA chapters, members, and Pre-SOMA Liaisons within their respective regions.

Office Hours: I will be available for open office hours every other Thursday from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST. I am here to discuss anything and everything that you may need help with! My first office hours will be Thursday, September 7th! Zoom Meeting ID: 972 4374 2338, Passcode: 960990

I am beyond excited to see what we all accomplish together! You can reach out to me anytime at