The good things that happened to me in 2020

Author: Ardhmerie Thaci

Let me tell you, we are all heroes!

No matter the bad moments we went through, here we are now, we did our best, we valued every second, and the most important thing, we survived. The year 2020 was so intense for us all, we encountered something that left scars in our lives, we lost some of our loved ones, which we will never forget, however regardless of the terrible times we experienced, there were some good times that we will always remember. We grew up mentally, there were times where we felt lonely, anxious, depressed, but there were also days where we felt thankful and blessed for being alive, and having people around that love us, and take care of us. Going back I can notice a lot of positive changes on myself, because all this time helped me reflect in a way that I did not expect. At first everything seemed so scary because I did not understand what was really going on, I guess we all didn`t, and I needed some time to relax, and find peace within me, until I motivated myself to do so many things, which helped me to be more optimistic. For me personally this year was completely different because I had many plans and none of them worked out unfortunately, but as an old saying goes, everything happens for a reason.

Probably one of my biggest plans was to go to America during the summer to work and travel, but this did not happen. At first I was very upset, yet later on I felt extremely glad to be home with my family. So 2020 was a pretty tough year, but there were definitely some good things going on. The first good thing that happened to me in 2020 was that after 4 years struggling with acne, my face was becoming healthier, and clearer. And this thing, made me so happy, and made me even more enthusiastic about skincare and beauty. It was the best feeling I was experiencing in those difficult moments, and I still could not believe that my face was getting better and each day I took care of my skin and I noticed that I was glowing spiritually and physically. Also later I started doing workout and I loved the results, and I understood that even the little things can make us happy. Another thing that I was waiting so eagerly after the lockdown it was to see my two little nephews for the first time, and both times I cried, it was the best feeling in the world, and I could not get enough of those two wonderful babies, and just the fact that I could not see as much as I wanted was so sad, yet seeing them even for once, made me feel the luckiest person alive.

As the days passed by, I needed to do something more productive, and I was thinking to start working somewhere, and to become more independent financially, so I sent so many job applications, and then one day, I applied for an ESL teacher position for a Japanese company, and luckily they were accepting people around the world. I passed my English tests and I did the interview, and after two weeks they notified me that I had become a teacher, and to this day I remember how happy and proud I felt, and I think I will never forget about it. I was so excited to have my first class with my first student, and it went great and I was so delighted that I was gaining experience as an English teacher. Also another good moment was when I got my first salary, It was the first time I had my own money, just the thought that I would buy my favorite stuff, was a different kind of happiness. On top of all the good things, another accomplishment I had is that I was so successful in my studies, my grades got better because I worked harder, I motivated myself, and although we were studying online, it did not occur to be a problem for me. Also my sister graduated and my family was so happy, it was a good moment, and it brought happiness in those difficult times.

In addition to all of the best moments I experienced during 2020, there is one moment I will never forget, it was the New Year`s Eve when my brother with his family came to Kosovo for holidays, and even though 2020 beginning was not a good one, the ending was perfect, we were all together, celebrating, we were happy, healthy, full of hope, and forever thankful for everything, and I want to end this short story of mine with a quote;

“Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect, it`s just you`ve decided to see life beyond the imperfections”