A part of me through words

Author: Aulona Hasanaj

"I have been told I am a person that hides a lot, not only from other people but from myself as well. I hide so I will not face any judgement or different opinion, or so I have been told. I never realised that until my sister asked me one day if anyone truly knows me, and that made me wonder if there is anyone who truly knows me. Made me wonder if I truly know myself. Made me wonder if anyone knows someone else, or themselves, truly. Are there parts of ourselves that we never open, and if yes, why are we hiding, and from whom?

Anyway, I have lost count of days since the beginning of the quarantine. What started as two weeks' vacation ended up being months stuck at home. I feel like I am reliving the same day every day. I wake up, join my classes, do my homework, and try to socialize, although every part of the day is hard and it feels like the first time I am doing it. It feels like I am living my life from the beginning. I feel like a baby, always wondering what is going to happen next, scared of everything, tired and always feel like crying.

I wonder when this will end. I wonder if we'll ever turn back to reality, but what is reality at this point. I am going through many emotions at the same time, I am always questioning everything, and I feel like I am slowly driving myself insane. If someone told me school was going to be the most normal thing going on in my life I would have laughed at their face. But it is true. I miss waking up early and getting ready for school, laughing with my roommates, only to go to university and laugh with my friends there. It is not like I do not laugh now, it just feels different. Sometimes I feel guilty for having fun. I feel guilty for enjoying this time I got to spend with my family, when there are people who haven't seen theirs since before quarantine.

Well, my beloved journal, you have parts of me that are never seen. So, I think I have the answer to my previous question. You know me better than anyone else, you know every happiness and every sadness, every moment I decide to share, and we both know I love sharing. I love sharing my thoughts and feelings with you because I know you are a trustful companion during these days. You do not complain that I burden you with my words. You constantly give me space to vent, pun intended.

I am sorry I did not have anything more interesting to say to you today.

Yours truly,
