I learned that even in the darkest times, there is always goodness and humanity. - Badema Jetullahu

I've learned to appreciate everything; even that cup of coffee with my friends which I took for granted" - Artiola Mamaj

“I've learned that it is okay to feel sad after making the right decision”- Erlina Berisha

“I’ve learned that life comes at you so unexpectedly and life plans aren’t ever written in stone..and all you can do is learn to live through it!” – Anita Selitaj

“Things can always get worse, so stop to appreciate what you have now!” – Suela Goga

“I've learned to appreciate everything that surrounds me: people, moments, small things, the walk around the neighborhood, nature... like literally everything!!!” – Makfire Shabani

“I have learned how important it is to be grateful.” - Albisona Mustafa

“I’ve learned to live life one day at a time” – Vesa Ferizi

“Perhaps, it does take a pandemic to learn to be more positive.” - Rinesa Spahiu

“I learned that it is very important to live life at the fullest, each day as if it were the last one. I learned the importance of being grateful for each and every thing in life that we cherish but take for granted at the same time. If we are healthy first, then everything else can be achieved.” - Taunita Xhukolli

“I’ve learned that we should let go of the past. When things change, we have to move forward as soon as possible.”- Albina Sahiti

“I have learned that making plans is the same way as when you bake a cake. You do not know how it's going to come out. Therefore, having no expectation is the best way to go." - Agnesa Gecaj

"I have learned that not everything is written in stone, therefore not everything turns out the way you want. You have to learn to adapt and make do with what you have. So when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." -Artinë Rexhepi

"2020: The year that forced us to learn."

"If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness." - Afërdita Retkoceri

‘’One of the most important things I have learned is that I should devote more time to myself and that I shouldn’t take people or moments for granted.’’ - Arianita Kqiku

“I have learned that it is important to find happiness in any situation and to be grateful for each and everything that surrounds us” -Art Shala

"I learned that it is important to engage in activities that improve our mental and physical health, and to appreciate more everyone and everything in my life." - Blerona Halilaj

"First, even the most simple things have the greatest impact in your life once they're gone! And that could be as simple as traffic in the streets or buying groceries. Fully indugle in every little moment because you never know when it'll be gone!

Second, adaption is key!

-Vesa Kamberi.

I have learned that we should always be grateful and that life can change at any moment, and it is okay if we can't control the change. I learned that we can't always be in control, and that we should try and move forward with life when things are different.

-Agnesë Mustafa

"I've learned that being your own best friend and enjoying quality time with yourself is super important"
-Dafina Osmani