How the pandemic brought my whole family together

Author: Aferdita Retkoceri

The coronavirus pandemic which started almost 11 months ago in our country, affected all of us in different ways. Of course, most of the people were affected in financial matters during the quarantine, and this became a big problem for everyone. Even though there are plenty negative parts of the virus, our health in the first place, our emotional state and mental health, loss of our loved ones etc., one good thing that happened was that it brought our families closer. In this essay, I will describe my journey during the quarantine and how it brought me even closer to my family.

As a student, I had many obligations and assignments to finish. All the time I was in a hurry, from one place to another. The best part was that I got to see my friends every day, chat, discuss and have fun together. But in a moment, everything changed… We were not allowed to go to university anymore and from that day we would have to stay distanced from one another. Now not only me, but everyone was almost all the time at home.

It felt a bit different and surprising at the beginning because usually only my mother would be home. All of us, we either had school or work. There would be times when I would see my father only for a few minutes in the morning or in the evening, and the rest of the day/night I would spend either at university, or at home finishing assignments in my room. We could barely spend time all together due to our other responsibilities. But during quarantine, everything changed. Of course we would have a day together all of the family, but it did not happen so often, meanwhile during the pandemic we were all home and spending all the time together.

I did not get closer only with my close family, but also with my extended family with which I had contacts more often now. Since I was all day at home, I would chat more often with them over the phone and get in touch with them, how they were doing during that difficult time. Even watching TV or listening to something was more fun since we would all give comments on different situations we saw and express our thoughts regarding that issue. Of course sad news of people dying every day all around the world, were all over the place each day, so I felt grateful to be safe at home with my family, spending each moment together and most importantly, being healthy.

Those few days and weeks at the beginning of the pandemic and quarantine were very difficult for all of us, we were all in danger and all of this had us shocked. The way my routine changed from being free, going to university, seeing my friends all the time to no going out at all, staying only home, away from friends, surrounded by so many sad news was a very hard time to go through and adapt with everything. Although it was difficult, I managed to spend some of my best time ever with my whole family and I am grateful that we are all fine and healthy.