"Here are some tips on how to survive a pandemic (like COVID-19). I hope you will not have to use them in the future!" -Artiola Mamaj

How not to catch the virus:

1. Do not neglect the virus. Ignoring the cases and thinking the virus will not get to you, will only allow it to get to you faster.

2. Do not go out if not necessary.

3. Wear a mask at all times when you go out. Do not feel bad to tell another person to put their mask on. Masks work best if everyone puts them.

4. Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands more often than usually.

5. Do social distancing, stand at least 2m away from one another.

6. Avoid crowded places such as bars, restaurants and cafes… if they are not closed already.

7. Avoid unventilated indoor spaces. If indoors, bring in fresh air by opening windows and doors.

8. Try to focus your daily activities like work or university online.

9. Most importantly - take the vaccine if they find one. Do not be one of those people that refuse to take it.

How to deal with Covid-19 if you catch it:

1. If you are having symptoms of the virus, call by telephone first and follow the directions of your local health authority.

2. Isolate. Do not put other people in danger by going out and spreading the virus.

3. If you test positive, do not leave the house to buy medication or anything else, unless you do not have anyone to buy them for you. In that case, make sure to wear a mask and keep a distance in order to not spread the virus. But, consider ordering your medication online too, if possible.

4. If you are showing mild symptoms, try to cure them with home remedies.

5. If you are having difficulties breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Do not panic, it will make it worse!!!

6. Above all, stay positive!!! This too shall pass, and your main focus should be on getting better instead of stressing and worrying.