Letter to myself in the beginning of the quarantine (March 2020)

Author: Taunita Xhukolli

31 January, 2021

Hi, Taunitë. How are you? It’s been quite a tough month, hasn’t it? You’re probably still processing the whole pandemic thing. You’re probably still wondering if this situation is ever going to end. But believe me, everything is going to be just fine! It is bizarre I know. It is strange to see the world in panic and chaos. You’re probably feeling scared and lost because of the recent goings-on. It gives an awful feeling to you when you see people panic-buying and the curfew itself is dreadful.

Here’s some advice on how to handle everything better. Make sure you get up early as you always did, and don’t mess up your sleeping schedule. You will be tempted to stay up late and get up late, but that’s just neither smart nor healthy. Make time for everything you haven't had time to do, all the stuff that you love.

You’ll have plenty of time to read those books you stacked on the shelf. Reading will make you happy like it always does, but this time it will make you even more so. You’ll be reading in the front yard while birds are chirping, and noises of kids playing will be heard. You can put the book down and enjoy the blue sky, and at night the view gets even better. Oh, it will be chilly, but you can just take a blanket and gaze at the twinkling stars.

You’ll have plenty of time to list those songs you love. Needless to say, music is among the things which is helping you to cope with the situation and set your mood. And that’s the first perk of the lockdown: You have managed to discover new music genres you will enjoy in the future. Music has always made you and still does by the way, happy and ready to conquer the world. This time, it will be helping you to be oblivious, for some minutes, to the fact that there’s chaos going on outside.

Always keep in mind that your family and all the people you love and love you back, will help you feel okay. You’re afraid that you and your family will get the virus, but here’s the second perk of the quarantine: You have time to spend time with your family and make up for all of the time you couldn’t. Although you all are afraid, you know that your family is right there ready to hear your fears and share their own. Make sure you sow those plants as you planned with mom and dad, even though you won’t be looking after them, as usually.

Days will go by and you’ll realize that the quarantine will last for a couple of months. You’ll see that is hard not being able to hang out with your friends and family. You’ll even be missing a couple of birthday parties. Huh, who would have thought that this line we’ve been joking about with friends would come true, “So near but yet so far”. LOL, life just knows how to surprise you doesn’t it. Nevertheless, try to maintain your relationships with friends through texting and video calls. It won’t be as fun and fulfilling as it usually is but you’ll be able to share everything and make one-another feel better like always. That’s the third perk of the quarantine: You’ll find out who your real friends are and you’ll cherish them even more.

Although at home, you will still have classes, online classes. I can’t lie to you dear, online classes will be a living nightmare for a while. It’ll feel like you won’t be able to learn anything, and the hours in front of the laptop will be long. You’ll feel tired both physically and mentally, as you sit for hours and be overloaded with assignments. You have to make a timetable to study at the same pace as before; not less, not more. You wonder if you will be able to learn when your way of doing things is ruined now. You wonder if you will be able to endure having classes at home. But DO NOT worry yourself with such thoughts. You’ll get used to it in a blink of an eye. After all, you just got the moral of the story, that there are more important things in life. As the pandemic caused fear all around the world, you see that being healthy is more important than anything.

The weather will be getting better as you go into spring. Sun will shine again indeed and its rays will throw light on a lot of questions you had before. See, although you’re not in the best of moods now, you have time to get to know yourself. This time you will see how you deal with such situations. Every cloud has a silver lining my friend, and all you have to do is stop worrying and let time make everything better. Time will pass, and as you can see, you did just fine. You will look back and see how everything that happened and every thought you had is just a chapter of everyone’s life where unnecessary concern took over.

The quarantine will end by the end of May. There will still be a curfew set, but most importantly you will be able to go out. It won’t be the same as it was before, I can tell you that. However, you’ll enjoy even more the things you did before. You will learn the true meaning of gratitude like never before, and appreciate everything that you have.

All things considered, here’s the most valuable lesson: Time passes with difficulty, but days, months, and the whole year is just going to end before you know it. You’ll understand once again that even when life throws unpredictable situations to you, even when life is not treating you so well, yourself and the people who love you will make it all seem like nothing.

Best wishes,


P.S. Kudos to you for learning how to bake. I’m really enjoying it