Letter to myself in March

Author: Erlina Berisha

Dear me,

I am writing this from the future, the future you are so afraid of. Where do I ever start with this. I'll be honest, there have been some tough times. There have been sad nights and sad mornings, there have been some ups and downs, highs and lows, but nothing you can’t handle. You feel hella stuck. You feel as if you are re-living the same day but the pain and hurt keeps getting bigger and keeps pushing you deeper and deeper into a black hole of sadness, regret and fear.

I want to thank you for what you are doing, how strong and independent you are becoming. It’s okay that you are feeling the way that you are feeling because it is normal. You are a human being everybody goes through tough times you've been through so much in so little time, so don’t be angry at yourself for taking longer than others to heal and move on with your life. Why? Because it is your life, your path, your journey so don’t compare it to others, just focus on yourself and your healing, you will be much happier when comparison stops.

It might get a little lonely there. It’s hard being an extrovert and not having much contact with people. However, you will be able to benefit from this loneliness. It is through feeling lonely that you will be able to realize the flaw of needing others, which you will come to find out is not healthy for you. Hang in there, it will get better. You will see the people you miss and you will spend time with them, you just need to be patience.

Here’s some good news. In just a few months you will be able to get out of the strict quarantine and many things will happen. You'll finally be able to wear those outfits you've been planning to wear, you will finally wear your favorite sneakers again, you will finally be going to the gym again and most importantly you will meet some of your loved one. In just a few months, you will grow so much. You will let go of some toxic people and you will finally put yourself first. You will be so much more confident in your skin. Yes, you heard that right. We will finally be accomplishing our top goal. And so therefore, in this letter I won’t tell you what you've done wrong and trying to persuade you into choosing "better". Why? Because it is through those mistakes, those paths and choices that you will be where I am today. I’m thankful of what you're doing and I am proud of how far you'll come. Keep up the good work and don’t let the world drain you. Do not give up. Keep pushing because your breakthrough is just around the corner. You're transitioning into your new season. Have patience.