A letter to myself in the past

Author: Aulona Hasanaj

Hello dear me,

I hope this letter will give you a sense of stability during these hard times. I would ask how you are doing, but I already know that. Perhaps you are wondering how we are doing in the future. Well, we are doing great, both mentally and physically. You finally found out what you truly want from yourself, so that is a start. You went through a lot during 2020, I will give you that. But these moments grew you and made you stronger.

Every loss and every gain, every pain you felt, every tear and every laugh is going to make you a better version of yourself. Everything that is happening in your life is happening for a reason. I know you are scared and you feel like you are lost and stuck in one place, but there is something great coming your way. I know you hate opening up and it makes you feel vulnerable, but it is for your own good. You will feel lonely, but do not forget that you are not alone. You have yourself, your family and your friends, they all love you even if sometimes you think they don't. You will finally see the potential everyone talks about and will try your best to reach it. I am not saying it is going to be easy, but it is not impossible.

I want to assure you that you are as strong as you think, perhaps even more. You fight for what is right in your own way. You are not a saint by all means, but do not forget you are a good person. You will make mistakes, but you will understand that you are not always right and you will apologize to those who you have wronged. During these days it is better to mend your relationships with people as much as you can, the bonds you have will help you go through these days. You lose some people, you regain some friendships, but at the end of the day, everything will be worth it.

I want you to know that better times are coming, so keep hoping and working hard. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you will reach it.

Yours truly,

Yourself from the future.